Modern Texting – Acronyms
October 12, 2023

My sister Sally and I were discussing how acronyms seem to be everywhere these days. It’s incredible how frequently we incorporate it into our daily routine. I’ve never been into acronyms because, like me, I don’t know what half of them stand for. When I want to express laughter, I usually use LOL. Text messages can be full of acronyms! It’s amazing how commonly they are used these days. They bring back memories of ancient hieroglyphics.


I was reminded of an episode from the sitcom ‘Reba’ where Reba and her ex-husband were reading their youngest daughter’s email and struggled to understand the acronyms used. Do kids use these acronyms to keep their parents in the dark? The scene was quite amusing as both Reba and her ex tried deciphering the meaning of LOL, with Barbara-Jean eventually chiming in and saying it meant “Laugh out loud.” As they continued to read the email, they came across the capitalized word K-I-R-A and thought it was another acronym. However, Barbara-Jean quickly clarified that it was their daughter’s name. I laughed so hard that my side hurt, as I could relate to the struggle of understanding modern slang and acronyms.


I searched the top 10 acronyms commonly used in text messaging and was surprised to discover hundreds of them. However, I have compiled a list of just a few to share.


1. LOL – laughing out loud

2. OMG – oh my god (or oh my gosh)

3. IMO – in my opinion

4. IMHO – in my humble opinion (or in my honest opinion)

5. BTW – by the way

6. IDK – I don’t know

7. LMK – let me know

8. TBH – to be honest

9. TGIF – thank goodness it’s Friday

10. ROFL – rolling on floor laughing

11. BRB – be right back

12. BBL – be back later

13. TTYL –talk to you later

14. THX – thanks

15. TY – thank you

16. YW – you’re welcome

17. ASAP – as soon as possible

18. POV – point of view

19. NBD – no big deal

20. OMW – on my way


My favorite phrase is DIY, which means ‘Do it yourself.’ Although it’s typically used in crafting, can I use it to politely decline to do something for someone if they can do it themselves? JK – just kidding. I came across a website with a comprehensive list of acronyms that you might find interesting. Here’s the link: It’s worth checking out, as there are quite a few.


Stay tuned for my upcoming blog post about emoticons. This captivating subject has piqued my interest, and I am excited to share more details with you.


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